$31 an Hour Is How Much a Year? Before & After Taxes (Salary Calculator)

$31 an hour is how much a year
$31 an hour is how much a year

If you are wondering how much you will make per year if you are paid $31 an hour, you have come to the right place. Knowing your annual salary is important for budgeting and planning your finances.

To calculate your annual salary if you are paid $31 an hour, you need to take into account the number of hours you work per week and the number of weeks you work per year. We will show you step-by-step how to do the calculations so that you can have a clear understanding of your annual income.

Convert $31 Per Hour to Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Salary

Salary Calculator

Salary Calculator


$31 an Hour is How Much a Year?

If you make $31 an hour, your annual salary would be $64,480. We calculate your annual salary based on 8 hours per day, 5 days per week and 52 weeks in the year.

Hourly Wage ($31) x Hours Worked per Week (40) x Weeks Worked per Year (52) = $64,480

$31 an Hour is How Much a Month?

If you make $31 an hour, your monthly salary would be $5,373. We calculate your monthly salary by dividing your annual salary by 12 months.

Hourly Wage ($31) x Hours Worked per Week (40) x Weeks Worked per Year (52) / Months per Year (12) = $5,373

$31 an Hour is How Much Biweekly?

If you make $31 an hour, your biweekly salary would be $2,480. We calculate your biweekly salary based on 8 hours per day, 5 days per week.

Hourly Wage ($31) x Hours Worked per Week (40) x Number of Weeks (2) = $2,480

$31 an Hour is How Much Weekly?

If you make $31 an hour, your biweekly salary would be $1,240. We calculate your weekly salary based on 8 hours per day, 5 days per week.

Hourly Wage ($31) x Hours Worked per Week (40) = $1,240

$31 an Hour is How Much Daily?

If you make $31 an hour, your biweekly salary would be $248. We calculate your daily salary based on 8 hours per day.

Hourly Wage ($31) x Hours Worked per Day (8) = $248

$31 an Hour is How Much a Year After Taxes?

Federal Income Tax

When calculating your yearly income after taxes, one of the most important factors to consider is federal income tax. This tax is based on your total income for the year, and the amount you owe will depend on your tax bracket. Here’s a breakdown of the federal income tax brackets for 2023:

Tax RateSingle Filers
10%$0 to $11,600
12%$11,001 to $44,725
22%$44,726 to $95,375
24%$95,376 to $182,100
32%$182,101 to $231,250
35%$231,251 to $578,125
37%$578,126 or more

To calculate your federal income tax, you’ll need to determine which tax bracket you fall into based on your total income. Then, you can use the corresponding tax rate to calculate your tax liability.

For example, if you are single and you earn $64,480 per year at a rate of $31 per hour, this means you would owe $9,493 in federal income tax for the year.

Estimated federal income tax (single filers) = $9,493

State Income Tax

While nine states do not impose their own income tax for tax year 2024, the majority of states do.

State income tax rates vary widely across the United States, ranging from 0% to over 13%. To help you estimate your take-home pay after state income tax, we’ve compiled a chart of state income tax rates for all 50 states.

StateState Income Tax Rate
Alabama2% – 5%
Arizona2.59% – 4.50%
Arkansas0.9% – 6.6%
California1% – 13.30%
Connecticut3% – 6.99%
Georgia1% – 5.75%
Hawaii1.40% – 11%
Idaho1.125% – 6.925%
Iowa0.33% – 8.53%
Kansas3.10% – 5.70%
Kentucky2% – 5%
Louisiana2% – 6%
Maryland2% – 5.75%
Minnesota5.35% – 9.85%
Mississippi0% – 5%
Missouri1.5% – 5.4%
Montana1% – 6.9%
Nebraska2.46% – 6.84%
New Hampshire5%
New Jersey1.4% – 10.75%
New Mexico1.7% – 4.90%
New York4% – 8.82%
North Carolina5.25%
North Dakota1.10% – 2.90%
Ohio0% – 4.797%
Oklahoma0.5% – 5%
Oregon4.75% – 9.90%
Rhode Island3.75% – 5.99%
South Carolina0% – 7%
South Dakota0%
Vermont3.35% – 8.75%
Virginia2% – 5.75%
West Virginia3% – 6.5%
Wisconsin4% – 7.65%

As you can see, state income tax rates vary significantly. It’s important to check the state income tax rate for your state to get an accurate estimate of your take-home pay.

For example, if you live in Colorado with a flat 4.55% tax rate, your estimated state tax is $2,839.

Gross Income ($64,480) x State Income Tax (4.55%) = $2,934

Local Taxes

Local taxes can vary widely depending on where you live and work, so it’s important to research and understand the local tax laws in your area.

Here’s a table that shows the local income tax rates for some of the largest cities in the United States:

CityLocal Income Tax Rate
New York City3.88%
Los Angeles1.5%
San Antonio0%
San Diego0%
San Jose0.94%

As you can see, local income tax rates can vary widely, with some cities having no local income tax at all. It’s important to factor in these local taxes when calculating your take-home pay, as they can have a significant impact on your overall earnings.

For example, if you live in Los Angeles with 1.5% local tax rate, your estimated state tax is $967.

Gross Income ($64,480) x State Income Tax (1.5%) = $967

FICA Taxes (Social Security & Medicare)

FICA taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare taxes, which are mandatory contributions to support these programs.

The current FICA tax rate is 15.3%, with 6.2% for the employer’s portion of Social Security and 6.2% for the employee’s portion. Additionally, 1.45% is allocated for the employer’s portion of Medicare and 1.45% for the employee’s portion.

To calculate your FICA taxes, you can use a FICA tax calculator. These calculators take into account your income, filing status, and other factors to determine your FICA tax liability. It’s important to note that FICA taxes are only applicable to income up to a certain amount.

For the year 2024, the Social Security wage base is $168,600, meaning that any income earned above this amount is not subject to Social Security taxes.

If you are earning $31 an hour, your estimated FICA taxes is $4,934.

Gross Income ($64,480) x FICA Tax (6.2% + 1.45%) = $4,934

Calculating Your After-Tax Salary

If you are earning $10 an hour, you may be wondering how much your total after-tax salary would be. Calculating your after-tax salary can be a bit tricky, but it’s important to know how much money you will actually take home.

Estimated Federal Tax: $9,493
Estimated State Tax: $2,934
Estimated Local Tax: $967
Estimated FICA Tax: $4,934
Total Estimated Tax: $18,328

To calculate your take-home pay, you take your gross salary and subtract your total estimated tax. Your actual take-home pay may vary depending on your filing status and your deductions.

Gross Income ($64,480) – Total Estimated Tax ($18,328) = $46,152

Is $31 an Hour Good?

If you’re wondering whether $31 an hour is a good wage, the answer is yes. It’s above average and puts you in a comfortable income bracket. Here are a few reasons why:

Above Average

A person earning $31 an hour makes more than 68% of workers in the United States. This means that you’re earning more than the majority of people in the country. It’s a good wage that can provide you with financial stability and security.

Comfortable Income

If you work 40 hours a week, every week, your yearly salary would be around $64,480. This amount is calculated by multiplying your hourly wage by 2,080 total annual hours worked. With this income, you can afford to pay for your basic needs, save for the future, and have some extra money for leisure activities.

Career Growth

$31 an hour is a good starting point for a career. It’s a wage that can provide you with a comfortable living while giving you room for growth and advancement in your career. You can use this wage as a foundation to build your skills and experience, which can lead to higher-paying positions in the future.

Cost of Living

The cost of living varies depending on where you live. However, $31 an hour is a good wage that can cover the cost of living in most cities. It can cover your rent, utilities, groceries, and other basic expenses. If you live in a more expensive city, you may need to budget and adjust your lifestyle accordingly, but with careful planning, you can still live comfortably.

In conclusion, $31 an hour is a good wage that can provide you with financial stability and security. It’s above average, can cover the cost of living, and can be used as a foundation for career growth.

Budget Plan for $31 an Hour Salary

If you make $31 an hour, you can earn a gross annual salary of $64,480. This means you can take home around $4,000 per month after taxes, depending on your state and federal tax rates. With this salary, you can create a budget plan that allows you to cover your expenses and save for your future.

Monthly Expenses

To create a budget plan for your $31 an hour salary, you need to start by calculating your monthly expenses. Here are some of the typical expenses you may have:

  • Housing: $1,500 – $2,000
  • Transportation: $200 – $400
  • Food: $300 – $500
  • Utilities: $150 – $300
  • Entertainment: $100 – $200
  • Insurance: $100 – $200
  • Savings: $500 – $1,000

These are just estimates, and your expenses may vary depending on your lifestyle and location. Use these numbers as a starting point to create your budget plan.

Budgeting Tips

Here are some tips that can help you budget your $31 an hour salary effectively:

  • Create a budget plan: Use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to track your income and expenses. This can help you see where your money is going and identify areas where you can cut back.
  • Prioritize your expenses: Make sure you cover your essential expenses first, such as housing, food, and utilities. Then, allocate money for your other expenses and savings.
  • Cut back on unnecessary expenses: Look for ways to save money on your entertainment and other non-essential expenses. For example, you could cook at home instead of eating out or cancel subscriptions you don’t use.
  • Save for emergencies: Set aside some money each month for unexpected expenses, such as car repairs or medical bills. This can help you avoid going into debt and maintain your financial stability.

By following these tips and creating a budget plan that works for you, you can make the most of your $31 an hour salary and achieve your financial goals.

How Can You Increase Your Income if $31 an Hour is Not Enough?

If you find that your current salary of $31 an hour is not enough to meet your financial needs, there are several ways you can increase your income. Here are some options to consider:

1. Ask for a Raise

If you feel that you are underpaid for the work you do, it may be time to ask for a raise. Before you approach your employer, do some research to find out what others in your field are earning. You can use online salary calculators or talk to colleagues to get an idea of what you should be earning. When you ask for a raise, be prepared to explain why you deserve it and provide examples of your contributions to the company.

2. Look for a Higher-Paying Job

If you have hit a ceiling at your current job and there is no room for advancement or a raise, it may be time to look for a higher-paying job. Update your resume and start networking with people in your industry. You can also use online job search engines to find job openings that match your skills and experience.

3. Start a Side Hustle

Starting a side hustle can be a great way to increase your income. You can use your skills and hobbies to start a business or offer services to others. Some popular side hustles include freelance writing, graphic design, and pet-sitting. Just be sure to check with your employer to make sure there are no conflicts of interest.

4. Invest in Yourself

Investing in yourself by learning new skills and earning certifications can make you more valuable to employers and increase your earning potential. You can take online courses, attend conferences, or join professional organizations to gain new knowledge and skills.

By taking action and exploring these options, you can increase your income and improve your financial situation.


In conclusion, if you are making $31 an hour, your yearly salary would be around $64,480. This is calculated by multiplying your hourly wage by 2,080 total annual hours worked. Keep in mind that this is before taxes and other deductions.

It’s important to note that the actual amount you take home may vary depending on your tax bracket, state and federal taxes, and other factors. It’s always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or use online tax calculators to get a more accurate estimate of your take-home pay.

While $31 an hour may seem like a good salary, it’s important to consider your cost of living, expenses, and financial goals. Depending on where you live and your lifestyle, this salary may be comfortable or it may require some budgeting and financial planning.

Overall, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your income and expenses to make informed financial decisions. With the right planning and budgeting, you can make the most of your $31 an hour salary and work towards achieving your financial goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the yearly salary for someone making $31 an hour after taxes?

The yearly salary for someone making $31 an hour after taxes depends on various factors like the number of hours worked per week, the number of weeks worked per year, and the tax bracket. Assuming a 40-hour workweek and 52 weeks worked per year, a person making $31 an hour can expect to earn approximately $64,480 per year before taxes and $50,674 after taxes.

How much does someone earning $31 an hour make per month?

Assuming a 40-hour workweek and 52 weeks worked per year, a person earning $31 an hour can expect to make approximately $5,373 per month before taxes and $4,223 after taxes.

How much does someone earning $31 an hour make per week?

Assuming a 40-hour workweek and 52 weeks worked per year, a person earning $31 an hour can expect to make approximately $1,568 per week before taxes and $1,226 after taxes.

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